100 Real Estate Marketing Ideas & Strategies For 2021

Here are 100 real estate marketing ideas and strategies for 2023:

Develop a strong online presence through social media, blogs, and websites.

Create video tours and virtual walkthroughs of your properties.


Use drone footage to showcase the surrounding areas and amenities.

Host open houses and invite potential buyers and real estate agents.

Organize community events and sponsor local organizations to build relationships and increase exposure.

Offer free home valuations and consultations to attract potential clients.

Use targeted advertising to reach specific demographics and markets.

Collaborate with local businesses and professionals to cross-promote services.

Utilize email marketing to keep in touch with past and potential clients.

Create a referral program to incentivize satisfied clients to refer their friends and family.

Create a blog to share industry insights and provide valuable information to potential clients.

Use online directories to list your business and properties.

Attend real estate conferences and network with other professionals in the industry.

Invest in professional photography and staging to showcase your properties in the best possible light.

Create a social media advertising campaign to target specific audiences.

Use search engine optimization (SEO) to rank higher in search engine results.

Implement a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaign to drive traffic to your website.

Use influencer marketing to promote your properties and services.

Offer free seminars and workshops on real estate investing, buying, and selling.

Use geotargeting to reach potential clients in specific locations.

Collaborate with local media outlets to share your expertise and showcase your properties.

Use augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology to create immersive property tours.

Create a YouTube channel to share property videos, client testimonials, and industry insights.

Use retargeting advertising to target people who have visited your website but haven’t converted.

Use chatbots to provide instant customer service and answer frequently asked questions.

Offer free home staging consultations to help sellers prepare their homes for sale.

Use gamification to engage potential clients and create a sense of excitement around your properties.

Use chat groups and forums to connect with potential clients and provide valuable information.

Use podcasting to share industry insights and interview industry experts.

Use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to personalize your marketing campaigns and provide a better customer e

Create targeted landing pages for specific properties or campaigns.

Use social proof to showcase client testimonials and positive reviews.

Offer home buying and selling guides to provide valuable information to potential clients.

Use retargeting advertising to target people who have viewed specific properties but haven’t taken action.

Use direct mail to reach potential clients in specific neighborhoods or demographics.

Use predictive analytics to identify potential clients and personalize your marketing campaigns.

Host webinars to provide valuable information and engage potential clients.

Use email automation to send targeted messages based on user behavior.

Use chatbots to offer virtual property tours and answer client questions.

Use interactive tools, such as mortgage calculators, to provide valuable information and engage potential clients.

Offer a free e-book or white paper on real estate investing or buying and selling.

Use real estate investment trusts (REITs) to invest in multiple properties at once.

Use virtual staging to showcase the potential of an empty property.

Offer free relocation services to attract potential clients who are moving to the area.

Use chatbots to provide 24/7 customer service.

Use a customer relationship management (CRM) system to manage leads and track client interactions.

Provide free home warranty policies or other incentives to attract potential buyers.

Collaborate with home builders to offer new construction properties.

Offer leasing services for rental properties.

Provide information on local schools and amenities to help potential buyers make informed decisions.

Offer home remodeling services to help sellers increase the value of their properties.

Use live chat to provide instant customer support and answer client questions.

Use webinars to provide in-depth information on specific properties or neighborhoods.

Create a mobile app to showcase your properties and provide real-time updates on new listings.

Offer virtual staging services to help sellers visualize the potential of their properties.

Use artificial intelligence (AI) to personalize your email marketing campaigns and website content.

Offer relocation assistance to help clients moving to the area.

Provide property management services for rental properties.

Use social media influencers to promote your properties and services.

Partner with local hotels to offer short-term rental properties.

Offer short-term rental management services for vacation properties.

Use remarketing to target people who have previously shown interest in your properties.

Create a podcast or video series to provide valuable information on real estate investing and property management.

Offer consulting services for real estate investors.

Use retargeting advertising to target people who have previously engaged with your content or website.

Provide access to online property management tools for landlords.

Offer property inspection and appraisal services.

Partner with local home service providers, such as landscapers and cleaners, to offer bundled services.

Use chatbots to automate lead qualification and scheduling.

Offer financing options or partnerships with lenders.

Create an affiliate marketing program for other businesses to promote your properties and services.

Use targeted messaging to reach specific segments of your target audience, such as first-time homebuyers or retirees.

Use content marketing to provide valuable information to potential clients and establish yourself as an industry expert.

Partner with real estate agents to offer referrals and cross-promote services.

Use social media contests and giveaways to engage potential clients.

Offer property insurance services to protect buyers and sellers.

Use retargeting advertising to target people who have previously filled out lead forms.

Partner with local moving companies to offer bundled services.

Offer home warranty services to protect buyers and sellers.

Provide information on mortgage options and financing for potential buyers.

Use retargeting advertising to target people who have viewed specific properties but haven’t taken action.

Partner with local community groups to build relationships and increase exposure.

Offer property tax consulting services.

Use chatbots to provide property management support and tenant communication.

Create a rewards program for clients who refer new business.

Provide resources and information on property investment for international buyers.

Use SMS messaging to provide updates on new listings and property information.

Offer green property certification services for eco-conscious buyers.

Partner with local banks and lenders to offer financing options and packages.

Use retargeting advertising to target people who have previously contacted your business.

Offer seller financing options to help buyers purchase prop

Use chatbots to automate property search and scheduling.

Offer property investment advice and consultation services.

Partner with local universities to offer student housing options.

Use retargeting advertising to target people who have previously viewed specific neighborhoods or properties.

Offer virtual tenant screening and leasing services for rental properties.

Use chatbots to provide property management support and answer tenant questions.

Provide resources and information on international property investment and relocation.

Use retargeting advertising to target people who have previously shown interest in real estate investing.

Offer property inspection and repair services for landlords.

Partner with local home security companies to offer bundled services.

Use chatbots to automate rental property maintenance requests.

Offer real estate coaching and training services for industry professionals.

Provide information on the local housing market and trends to potential buyers and sellers.

Use retargeting advertising to target people who have previously engaged with your business on social media.

Offer property management consulting and training services for landlords.

Partner with local home staging companies to offer bundled services.


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